Event Invitation Request

Please confirm your details below.

Our team will be in contact to confirm your booking and provide further details of the day. If you have any queries please do contact us.

Retirement Matters - October 2025


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Terms and Conditions


Terms & Conditions for Event Participation

I understand that Owen James wishes to know that I have a full understanding of the terms of my participation. Accordingly, I confirm that I understand the details of the event (including the event name, date and location) (“the Details”) and have read the Terms and Conditions listed herein. By requesting an invitation, I confirm that I have read and understood and accept the Details and Terms and Conditions in full.

If there is a contradiction between the Details and the Terms and Conditions - the Details take precedence. Please find below the agreed terms and conditions.


In these terms and conditions, the following terms have the following meanings:

The Event: As stated on the event website within www.owenjamesgroup.com.

The Organiser (or we): Owen James Events Limited (company registration number 05498482), including where relevant its officers and representatives.

The Delegate (or I): The individual who is invited to take part in the Event and whose details are supplied during the online registration process.

Law and Jurisdiction: These terms and conditions shall be construed in accordance with English law and any disputes resulting from an interpretation of these terms and conditions shall be settled by an English court.

Payments: For paid-for events, all bookings made prior to the conference must be paid in full to guarantee registration. Once payment has been received, an email confirmation and a receipt of payment will be sent. If payment is not made at the time of booking, registration will be provisional. Bookings received less than two weeks before the Event date can only be booked online and paid for using a debit or credit card.

Early Bird Rate: In order to qualify for any 'early bird' rates, booking and direct payment or a cheque must be received before the deadline date listed in the Details or conference marketing material. These rates are non-transferable and any failure to pay the required sum by the relevant deadline shall result in full rates being charged instead of ‘early bird’ rates, which Delegates are liable to pay in full.

Postponement or abandonment: The Delegate shall not have any claim against the Organiser in respect of any loss or damage however arising (whether for contract, tort including negligence or breach of statutory duty) out of or in connection with any Event, including any delay or failure to hold the Event or of the venue being unable to hold the Event.  All exclusions in these terms and conditions apply to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Cancellation terms (A Meeting of Minds only): If you are unable to attend an event and need to cancel a booking, let us know in advance and in writing by email to info@owenjamesgroup.com. Delegates will have the option to nominate an alternative person from their organisation to attend the event (assuming that the substitute person holds the same status and would qualify for an invitation) or Delegates may choose a suitable alternative event to attend instead.  If no such alternative options are viable, the Organiser may charge the Delegate (or the Delegate’s organisation) a reasonable cancellation fee to compensate the Organiser for the reasonable losses suffered as a result of the Delegate’s cancellation or non-attendance.

Accommodation: Delegates must pay for any pre-booked accommodation in full, irrespective of whether the Delegate cancels or can no longer attend the Event.

The exclusion of personnel: The Organiser reserves the right to exclude or remove from the Event any person whose presence in the reasonable opinion of the Organiser is, or is likely to be, undesirable.

Speakers: Views expressed by speakers are their own. The Organiser cannot accept liability for advice given, or views expressed, by any speaker at the conference or in any material provided to delegates.

Recording: For promotional purposes, there may be a professional photographer and video production taking place during the conference. To help produce the roundtable findings, audio output from the event may be recorded.  Delegates who do not wish to be filmed or recorded should advise the organisers by email to info@owenjamesgroup.com prior to the event.

Venue rules: Delegates must abide by the rules and regulations as set down by the venue from time to time.

Insurance: The Organiser is not responsible for the safety of the venue or any property of the Delegate or other person, or for its loss or any damage sustained by a Delegate or other people, in each case for any reason whatsoever (save that nothing in these terms and conditions seeks to exclude the Organiser’s liability for (i) death or personal injury caused by the Organiser’s negligence or (ii) for fraud.

Information copyright: Information supplied by the Organiser in relation to the Event is accurate to the best of its knowledge and belief (at the time it is provided) but shall not constitute any warranty or representation by the Organiser. Unless stated otherwise, all information and data relating to the Event which is supplied by the Organiser to a Delegate is for use by the Delegate only, and the Organiser retains all copyright and intellectual property rights in such information and data and it cannot be passed on to any third party for any purpose.

Chatham House Rules: In order to encourage open discussion, the Organiser and all Delegates shall adhere to the Chatham House Rules whereby it is agreed that the Organiser and Delegates are free to use information from discussions at Events, but shall not reveal the identity of individuals making any particular comments.  Accordingly it is agreed that the Organiser may document the findings from Events but shall not attribute names to any particular contributions.  

Use and Disclosure of Personal Data:

The Organiser will process the Delegate’s Personal Data in accordance with the privacy policy available at the Organiser’s website, as updated by the Organiser from time to time.  

Delegates can choose to unsubscribe from the Organiser's marketing emails at any time. The delegate may get their information updated or removed from the Organiser's CRM system by emailing info@owenjamesevents.com or by writing to us at Owen James Events, Brook House, Mint Street, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1HE, UK.

The Delegate will ensure that it complies with data protections laws when transferring personal data to the Organiser for the duration and purposes of these terms and conditions.

Other terms and conditions:

These terms and conditions apply to the Organiser and Delegate only and nobody else has any rights under or in relation to them.

If a court invalidates any of these terms and conditions, the remaining terms and conditions will still apply. If a court or other authority decides that some of these terms are unlawful, the rest will continue to apply.

Even if the Organiser delays in enforcing any of these terms and conditions, the Organiser can still enforce them later. The Organiser might not immediately chase Delegates (e.g. for payment), but that doesn’t mean the Organiser can’t do so later.

