Introducing ‘The MIND’ - a platform for change for the Private Wealth industry
Our mission in life has always been to enable financial services to do better business and we have been working hard to evolve our events platform to deliver yet more value.
Over a decade ago we launched A Meeting of Minds to provide a platform for the financial services industry to share best practice; be inspired; and work through the biggest challenges facing your businesses. The end goal was always to identify areas where collectively we could try to drive change forward. We also launched a series of quarterly breakfast briefings targeting specific job titles along with supporting research to create this cycle of activity which we termed the “wheel of change.
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However, we found that as the industry is constantly fighting fires due to the ever-present challenge of cumbersome and complex regulation; rising cost income ratios; technology innovation; changing consumer expectations; pricing competition… to name a few… it is becoming increasingly difficult to innovate effectively in such a fast paced world.
Therefore, we have created three pillars within our business to act as a catalyst for change and ensure your conclusions are fed through to the right channels like the associations, regulator, academia, consultants; providers; and of course your peers.
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Strategic, tactical and bespoke events: The ability to talk strategically with "C-suite" peers at other companies, influence change and learn as well as having the access to a professional events team.
Research & content: Unlimited access to documented outputs and research carried out across four financial communities (financial advisory, retail, asset management, and wealth management and private banking).
oneMIND: Our new digital platform which ultimately, helps businesses become more innovative and ensures that you are identifying the best solutions or ideas that are in the market.
We are calling this new and innovative platform of events, research and idea generation “the MIND”, and are inviting organisations to come join the revolution! If you would like to find out more please do email James Goad or call us on 01483 861334.