After each Meeting Owen James publish 'The Findings', a document that encapsulates and shares the key issues and topics discussed on the day.
Each section below summarises the different roundtable sessions and covers an array of industry driven topics.
The Findings are listed in Event date order, but don't just look for an event you attended, explore the research facility that gives you access to topics addressed at all our other Meetings – past and present.
Institutional and retail: is this simply a questions of segmentation
There is increasing overlap between wholesale and institutional clients and sales and distribution teams need to be structured to reflect this. The ways in which asset managers categorise clients is evolving. There is no one clear answer, but increasingly, it depends on the complexity of their needs and overall revenue, scale
A Meeting of Minds Asset Management - 19 September 2019
Asset ManagementdistributioninstitutionalPensionretailwholesale