The Findings


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  • Personal finance goes digital. How ready are you?

    As regulatory change and technological advancement drive innovation in digital personal finance it is essential that businesses are fully prepared to capitalise on this opportunity. Building trust via the digital channel, educating your customer on what is available and ensuring you have the correct digital tools in place are paramount to success.

  • Personal finance goes digital. How ready are you? - October

    Personal financial management is on the cusp of a fundamental transformation. For many years, the traditional face-to-face advisory model has provided a service to the minority of the population who can afford it. A confluence of factors including regulatory change and technological progress are now combining to enable a new means of customer engagement. With banking services slowly but surely moving towards being mobile-first, digital innovators have wealth management in their sights as an industry that is ripe for disruption. Meanwhile, a shift in pensions responsibility from the corporate to the individual and the rise of the gig economy has put retirement affordability, and more generally personal financial wellbeing firmly in the spotlight. While traditional financial advice remains unattainable for most, a suite of digital products and services are being developed to fill the gap. Disrupt or be disrupted- attempts to create new, viable business models for the digital age will flounder unless people and organisations are willing to disrupt themselves.

  • Perspectives on an intergenerational wealth and planning proposition. Does one size fit all?

    Perspectives on an intergenerational wealth and planning proposition. Does one size fit all?

  • Powering Your Business – placing the adviser at the heart of the value chain

    It shouldn’t come as a surprise that most of our delegates (71% in fact) use an in-house CIP approach for their investment portfolios; followed by 38% using a third party CIP approach, but maybe it is time to have a good look at all the options out there.

  • Preparing for growth

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