Findings from Asset Management Meeting of Minds - September 2019


The fifth Meeting of Minds Asset Management took place on Thursday 19 September at The Berkeley Hotel, London. This document summarises the key issues raised in the topics discussed during the roundtables that took place on the day.

A Meeting of Minds Asset Management is a biannual strategic forum organised by Owen James.

The half day is a blend of roundtable sessions addressing a pre-researched and pre-agreed agenda with open discussion led by objective and professional moderators; keynotes provided by external speakers whose remit is to spark debate and encourage fresh and original thinking; plus substantial networking both structured and unstructured.

To find out more about taking part, please contact John Hall at or call him on 01483-861334.


The roundtable sessions were facilitated by Lansons. This report captures the headline outputs.


We would like to thank our sponsors who made the Meeting of Minds possible. The following companies took part and their motivation for doing so is threefold:

  • To be, and be seen as being, supportive of the industry.
  • To understand the stresses and strains being placed on financial advisory firms and, where possible, respond to them.
  • To talk openly with these business leaders with a view to ensuring that their businesses are strategically aligned.



  • FundsLibrary
  • InvestCloud
  • Vanguard

The Findings


SHOWING 1 - 5 of 10

SHOWING 1 - 5 of 10
