Time for an update on M&A activity

Financial Advisory

Emily Landless

Advisory DistributorsBehavioursBrandCultureEngagementFinancial AdvisoryM&AMIFIDII

This session looked at the key deal considerations and the sort of values firms are achieving.


  • Definitely more buyers than sellers in the market place.
  • Prices feel high compared with other industries.
  • Finding quality is the hard part.
  • CIPs have potentially made firms more attractive for acquirers regarding transition process.

Key issues and challenges:

  • Cultural fit is key to any deal.
  • Finding quality firms at the right price.
  • Dealing with legacy issues.
  • Impact of MiFid II on valuations regarding ‘Duty of Care’ if you are receiving income from the client.
  • Cost of doing an acquisition dictates a minimum size and hence there are less of these firms.

Conclusions and solutions:

  • The acquisition market place is active and will remain so over the next 5-8 years as ageing business owners look to exit.
  • Have clarity on why you are looking to acquire.
  • Transition process is key to embedding a deal and making it successful. The hard work starts after the deal is done.
  • Look for cultural fit first.

Expert: John Chapman - Owen James

Facilitator: Martyn Laverick - Soprano Consulting
