Expert: David Wrench, Format14CRM. Facilitator: Chris Shaw, Tumelo
Key Takeaways
- There was consensus that the process of IT change, particularly around the theory of 'test and learn' was laborious
- The room wanted more agility
- The room felt that the timescale for IT change within mature organisations was often 12 months by which time the business need may have moved on
- David Wrench gave the view that too many IT tasks took too long and seemed to require major alterations
- He advocated a more agile and faster approach (low code) allowing business to get things done and to market much faster
- Delegating the solving of problems to smaller project specific teams to develop and create change using the 'low code' process.
- He posed questions such as 'how might automation dovetail with innovation' and 'what issues do your customers want solving?'
More Detail
- It was acknowledged that lengthy timescales for IT systems to adapt to changing business needs was holding back innovation and leading business towards different workaround solutions
- There was a desire for a swift, test and learn approach but an underlying sense from some that, within the current structures represented, the suggested approach may be too simplistic