Direct Lending and Peer to Peer

Financial Advisory

Emily Landless

Advisory DistributorsAlternativesFinancial AdvisoryMacro TrendsRiskTrends

Why is it the fastest growing asset class in the world right now?


A very interesting debate on the merits of investing in this new asset class.

Some key benefits of the proposition were discussed:

  • Investments covered by FCSC.
  • It is a diversification opportunity.
  • API is being developed with Intelliflo for ease of data-sharing.

The product is a fixed interest alternative and the participants agreed that it is suitable for two types of clients:

  1. Investors who want to beat a cash return, including corporate clients.
  2. Investors who don’t want volatility.

Key issues and challenges:

  • Advisers and clients need to understand where the product fits on the risk scale.

Conclusions and solutions:

  • Either AKG or a similar organisation to review the product and provide guidance on the risk associated with the product.
  • There was an extremely positive feeling that once the product is risk referenced, then there will definitely be a place for it as part of a diversified client portfolio.

Expert: David Beacham and Jake Wombwell-Povey - Goji

Facilitator: John Chapman - Owen James
