Crafting a more strategic path for Paraplanners to survive

Paraplanning Community

23 May 2024

AIeducationManagementMeeting of MindsParaplanningParaplanning CommunityTechnology

Expert: Rob Tedder, Account Manager UK, Conquest Planner


  1. The role of technology and AI is transforming the paraplanning profession, including both opportunities and challenges
  2. There is a need for a standardised regulatory framework to ensure consistent qualifications and professional standards
  3. Recognition of paraplanning as a distinct profession is growing
  4. Challenges in career development includes glass ceilings, lack of clear career pathways, and the need for ongoing learning and adaptation
  5. Obtaining professional qualifications such as the diploma in Regulated Financial Planning along with ongoing professional development is essential to keep up with industry changes


Participants shared their diverse experiences, qualifications, and perspectives on the evolving role of paraplanners.

Key topics included the value of professional qualifications, the impact of technology and AI, alternative career paths beyond becoming financial advisors, and the need for a standardized framework or regulation for paraplanners.

The discussion highlighted the increasing recognition of paraplanners as a distinct profession, with opportunities for specialization, management roles, and entrepreneurship. However, challenges such as glass ceilings, lack of clear career pathways, and the need for continuous learning were also addressed.

Key takeaways:

  • The integration of technology and AI can automate routine tasks and allow paraplanners to focus on more complex work, necessitating continuous adaptation and learning
  • There is an increasing acknowledgment of paraplanners as a distinct profession with opportunities for specialization and advancement
  • There is a need to explore the establishment of a standardized regulatory framework and professional standards for paraplanners, akin to those for solicitors and accountants.
  • Self-employment and entrepreneurship provide flexibility and control, but also pose challenges in business establishment and client management
  • Firms and industry organizations should provide clear career pathways, support for professional development, and training in emerging technologies
  • Fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing among paraplanners is essential for exchanging best practices and navigating career progression
  • Increasing the visibility of paraplanning as a viable career option in educational institutions and career counselling programs is necessary to attract new talent
