Financial Advisory

Financial Advisory


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Expert: Gary Savory & Ben Goss, Dynamic Planner

Facilitator: John Porteous, Volume4 Consulting 

Key Findings:

  • Direct feedback is very powerful in determining what clients truly value in their service. There was a strong sense from the group that this transcends investment performance. It was noted that no homogeneous definition of ‘value’ currently exists
  • Concern that current regulatory direction of travel suggests ‘knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing’.
  • Risk that the Asset Management Market Review may lead to restrictive product architecture and potentially unintended behaviours (that drives clients to lowest cost solution rather than one that is most suitable for their needs.
  • Acceptance that the FCA are really focused on transparency – which was endorsed by all attendees
  • Considering the Asset Management Market Review – MIFID II was viewed as an unhelpful and additional layer of complexity
  • Given the different perspectives that were put forward by those from asset management and advice backgrounds, it was noted that the effective management of ‘conflicts’ was going to be critical as the FCA focus moved towards VIF’s.

