Reimagining Real Estate Investment

The City Centre, 80 Basinghall Street, London EC2V 5AR

4 March 2020

Reimagining Real Estate Investment

Reimagining Real Estate Investment

  • 4 Mar 2020

    The City Centre

    The City Centre, 80 Basinghall Street, London EC2V 5AR

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The search for yield

There is currently no sign that central banks are about to enter a monetary tightening phase. With interest rates and bond yields remaining low, we need new investment opportunities to match liabilities for the years ahead that are in secure assets and on a regulated market.

Join us to learn about the opportunities that commercial real estate offers and how the City of London has been the magnet for both UK and overseas investors.

  • Where – The City Centre, 80 Basinghall Street, London EC2V 5AR
  • When – Wednesday 4 March from 1200-1400
  • Who – This briefing is by invitation only and will bring together circa 25 CIOs from the largest Wealth Managers, Advisers, DFMs and Private Banks
  • How will the briefing work – Please see the agenda for the running order that offers a healthy blend of presentations, roundtable discussion and networking
  • Cost – There is no cost to participate, only your time and we will ensure it is well spent


  • City real estate rents and pricing – going up or down?
  • Recent deals? Who is buying in the City?
  • Where next for development – what new schemes are being talked about and what are the opportunities for investors?
  • How does the City compare as a market to other locations

 Why attend?

This is a fantastic opportunity to consider the growth and performance of prime Commercial Real Estate (CRE) in recent years and the role of CRE in a balanced portfolio.

Investors looking for yield are facing tough times with many key asset classes facing major challenges.  25% of all global government and investment grade bonds now feature negative yields.

With a savings glut of money looking for returns, what are the options for investors as they balance the need for liquidity, security and yield? What should general investors do to increase their returns at a time when they are struggling to match pension and insurance liabilities? Might Commercial Real Estate offer a solution to investors?

Unmissable Venue

At this event, hosted in a unique venue in the heart of the City of London, we will hear about why real estate continues to attract both overseas and UK investors and what returns we might anticipate over the next few years from the sector. We will hear from the City Corporation who will outline their plans for the future as well as from past real estate asset managers who will share their experiences on investing in a mix of real estate assets.

This is a unique chance to learn more about what is driving value in real estate and how a new regulated stock market is going to make access to the sector much easier for investors.


Sponsors & partners



  • Tom Sleigh

    Tom Sleigh

    Head of EU Public Sector Partnerships, Amazon Business UK. Vice Chair of Policy and Resources, City of London.

    In 20 years working across the public and private sector Tom has focused on strategy advising, stakeholder engagement, focusing on customer needs, and negotiating partnerships. Tom is experienced at working in a variety of environments, from corporate teams or running his own business. He has run fast-moving offices inside complex multi-stakeholder organisations, and launched his own financial marketing startup. Tom is also Deputy Leader of the City of London Corporation (the local authority for The City), Deputy Chairman of the Barbican Centre: Europe’s largest mixed-arts Centre and Chairs The City's £4BN Property Fund.

  • Roger Clarke

    Roger Clarke

    Managing Director, IPSX

    Managing Director and Head of Capital Markets, Roger Clarke, joined IPSX from M7 Real Estate where he was Head of Corporate Finance and where he set up M7’s alternative lending platform, Tunstall Real Estate. Prior to joining M7 Roger spent 20 years working in the European investment banking industry, including roles at NM Rothschild, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, JP Morgan Cazenove and Stifel Nicolaus, as well as undertaking a secondment to the UK Takeover Panel.

  • Huw Stephens

    Huw Stephens

    Senior Adviser, IPSX

    Formerly Head of UK Transactions at PATRIZIA, which manages more than EUR 42 billion of real estate assets across Europe on behalf of a range of global investors, Huw joined IPSX from AXA IM-Real Assets, where he spent 24 years, latterly as Head of UK Transactions. While at AXA IM-Real Assets, Huw played a leading role in a £5 billion investment and development programme in London, including the 1.25 million sq ft, speculative development of 22 Bishopsgate. Other major transactions he oversaw include the acquisition and subsequent sale of Ropemaker Place, the acquisition, development and sale of 60 London, Holborn Viaduct, the forward commitment of 6 Pancras Square, Kings Cross in 2012, which subsequently was let to Google, and the acquisition and subsequent sale of 20 Gresham Street in the City of London.


The City Centre, The City Centre, 80 Basinghall Street, London EC2V 5AR
