WealthTech Matters - The Client

RISE, 41 Luke Street, London, EC2A 4DP

10 March 2020

WealthTech Matters - The Client

WealthTech Matters - The Client

  • 10 Mar 2020

    RISE, 41 Luke Street, London, EC2A 4DP

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Technology is core to the future wealth management model but, in an increasingly specialist technology environment, wealth managers must engage with a deeper knowledge and understanding of what technology is available and can deliver across the three main areas of their business; their clients, their advisers and staff and their business. 

Owen James and The Wealth Mosaic are collaborating to create a series of triannual events for key decision makers from the Private Wealth industry.

This event will focus on:

The Client - 10/3/2020
How you find and engage prospects, onboard, manage and service clients efficiently and profitably is changing. Learn what technology tools are doing in these areas.

Each will be themed and will discover and discuss technology solutions that solve key challenges facing their business. The year will then conclude with Owen James' flagship event Meeting of Minds - Technology in Financial Services.

Who Will Be in the Room?..

Each event will bring together 50 COOs, CTOs, CIOs and their teams from the top Wealth Managers, Private Banks, DFMs, Advisers and MFOs.


The Adviser/Employee - 18/06/2020
A wide range of technology now exists to increase the efficiency, speed and effectiveness of your employees. Learn what technology tools can do for your employees.

Your Business - 24/09/2020
Wealth Management firms are challenged by multiple themes but also have significant opportunities available to them. Learn what role technology has to play here.


Sponsors & partners

The Wealth Mosaic


We are you

Wealth Dynamix


moneyinfo limited


RISE, 41 Luke Street, London, EC2A 4DP
